Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Day 19 bangladeshi meri jaan

are baba re
 1843 hrs 7/2/18
we are on the way back to our majestic neshorgo hotel
which is 20km from our field hospital malaysia
but it will take almost 1 hour to travel there
coz of the narrow road and rude drivers (sounds familiar!)

we are a bit late today
as there was accident between tomtom and bus
which caused open degloving injury of one rohinya boy
and bleeding nose of one bangladeshi mommy
with his 5 years old sons sustained minimal laceration wound

we managed to do bedside debridement and irigation there and then
as each of patient being seen simultaneously
thus we manage to settle by 20 minutes
thanks to all the nurses and mo involved

these patient were so lucky as if they are late by 5 minute
we wouldnt be seeing then until tomorow
and no one else would
thats the fate of being stateless rohinga in bangladesh
no where to go, not being taken care by anyone

thats the reason im having premature sadness already
as im going back to malaysia later and governemnt decide to stop
serving these people with out well known hospital
where would they go ?

bangladeshi government has their own problems
myanmar wont even admir their wrong doing
whilst cox’s bazar division being flooded with NGOs
one question come to my mind

untill when?

Bangladesh Mere Jaan

are baba re
here i am sitting in our transport van
on the way back from my oncall in field hospital malaysia
the road is blocked to make way for swiss prime minister
thus my free time to write this

i was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the doctor
incharge of our field hospital malaysia
which was built from 11/2017 to serve rohinya refugees
although 40% of the patient load from bangladeshi local

the service we are giving considered as the most highest level here
whereby their best private hospital cant provide
we are giving ortho, paeds, surgical, and most important O&G
we will be receiving loads of referal from NGO worldwide
namely MSF, IFRC, and our local IMARET

its a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to get involved
where my journey and stay here so far,
 only teach me to be grateful of my origin
and be thankful to my ancestor which migrated to malaysia

okay van dah bley gerak. chow dlu