Well, we got a pool of judges in our life
despite their 'divine ability' to judge person
they are still willingly entertain you without fail
Though you knew what's in their heart.
yeah, people want someone that have certain criteria
to be liked or to like, to be friend or fiend
but, not everything appear prominently to human's eyes
is the same appear discreetly to the God's Eyes

If Past Mistakes Have made you Judged By A Person Blindly,
However Small it is, though it's Unfair,
like u won't Ever be good ever,
Just Take It and Go :)
Take And Go
Because releasing knife from a stabbed heart,
Just do more damage than it stays there
Have a Big Heart with many scars is better,
Than a small heart yet Untouched by Sadness
like :)
gud luck in your life.
thanks anonymouses
write ur name plz :)
u know me.
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