i get scolded by ma father coz spend ma money for this 'crap', He said.
but, u know what, i like old stuff, i mean, those stuff during my childhood including gasing and excluding pacifier. lols
you see, i spend a lot of time onlyby looking to thic control car, i dontknow how much i will spend when i got my real mitshubishi evo in future, haha

hey, check out its nu skirting, lols, i just made it using cardboard, silly me, it looks horrible. hurm, but, it somehow increase the stability of this car, interesting isnt?

see the neon added (just normal LED) near the deadly rotating tire?
this is what we call as pimp my ride, lols
i know i sound silly, but, atleast i got one hobby and weirdly, i am proud of it,
oiii...bwk g kolej aa...aku nk men
nice ride..
lesen lu ade tak mat?
P tak bubuh pon..
gua nak tumpang,ahaks
nnti aku letak p
petg ni nak bwk g jpj,
sbb kerete nie selalu kne saman speedtrap blik kg aritu
susah btol
hah buang duit negara je!
:P :P :P
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