i am sitting in my room, alone, again,with no food (puase kowt)
so bored until i don't want to take a bath coz i save it for last resort
and sleeping and buke pose included in my to do list
i want to go out, meet all my friends, but, puase kowt, nak mkn pe
haha , my family was busy preparing for the eid, but, i just pretend that i don't know

this raya, my family will go to penang, yay.. penang full stop.
but, we have a lots of homework until prioritizing couldn't work anymore,
but again, i am bored.... why ha... why ali.... why...
chill bebeyh
asal ko baring cam sunyi ja lantai tu
kosong benar
ni kat surau mane tah
aku kebosanan
alhamdulillah kalau kat surau tu takde benda yang perlu dirunsingkan laa gamaknya.
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