Mmg dr kmb lg, bile belaja option topic Biology,
kite akan berjumpe dengan topic evolution,
kire mmg dlm kepale ni dah dibentuk siap2,
bahawe theory darwin tu betul sgt,
kire manusie ni aslnye dr monyet la kan,
beberape jam yg leps, aku serta beberapa rakan2 ade disection
dimane kami dibahagikn kepade 3 group,
disection ni, psl respitory system dimane,
kami yang x berape pndai ni, eh, silap,
aku yg x brape pndai ni, diterangkn psl larynx
kire, bahase melayu die, peti suare la, ok2, x ya detail sgt part ni
nk dijadikn cerite, kami pn kene masuk muzium,
muzium dimane dorg ni kumpulkn sume disected part of body
n ade la several tulang temulang zaman silam, so,
bende2 ni disusun dengan cantiknye..
dr monyet ke gorila n akhirnye ke manusie (gmba diatas)
so, terang2 lah bende ni berlandaskn theory darwin..
mmg mt saleh menyanjung theory ni la,
so, aku pn sembg la jap ngn sorg minah saleh ni,
sbb aku jmpe die dan2 depan susunan tulang tu,
so aku tros la open cite,
-aoifa, do you beleive in this theory of evolution?
-yes i do, definitely, i did extra research on this topic last 2 years for my pre-med ali
-alright, so you do believe that we all are basically evoluted from monkeys?
-yup, i agree, it is how this life going on.
-alright, if that so, can i ask you something since you r quite knowledgeable
with this theory
-yeah, y?
-if we are really from monkeys, our ancestor evolved from monkeys n so on, so why nowadays there are still monkeys alive, are they not yet undergo evolution?
basically, i didnt really agree that we came from monkeys, we just undergo evolution from a basic species to another much more fit species which obey the survival of fittest.
-(aik, minah ni td kate setuju) owh, so it is evolution within our species?
-yeah, i have to agree with that,
-haha, see you aoifa :)
- see you Ali in seminar this evening
see, mat salleh mmg hebat kn :)
x penah pk yang skang ni, manusie ngn monyet masih lg hidup,
kire monyet belom melalui evolusi lagi la,
kire lipas, serangge paling tue dlm dunie ni,
x evolve lg,hahaha
lantas aoifa terus menjauhi diriku ini, sobs
haha... kelakar gile member u tuh... tadi kate setuju lepas tuh tak berapa setuju pulak. nak pulak die mengaku berasal dari keturunan monyet ey? I penah bace dis book taw... written by dr Daniel Zainal ke ape nama die... I tak ingat. Dlm buku tu state.. kalau berlaku mutation or evolusion skali pon, sesuatu yang complex tak kan jadi sumting yang super duper complex. mean monyet x kan jadi manusia. Kalo sebaliknye logik la :P... ada research kate..dalam ayam ada gen T-rex... kirenye berlakunye down gred la...x nye up gred...hohoho...
die pkir otak diorang pandai. Tapi soalan lu memang bergeliga li.
cik irah,
tu la, die cm nak kave balik ngn lari
huhu, tp thats not the main purpose here la, the main purpose is just nk ingtkn balik yg theory tu x btol, huhu, gile r aku mkn T-rex hari2,
yup2, dorg mmg jenis x respek org pn
eh,aku biase je dowh :)
nice one ali! (:
aku mcm terpikir,
humans physically memang orang Islam patut percaya x evolve dari monkeys,
but then tengok cara pemikiran zmn skrg, seolah2 dah evolve backwards, mcm monkeys.huhu. no offense to anyone, sbb aku manusie juge.
"we live in the age of awesome deception"
- Phase 3 ;)
mane bley pecaye kite dr monkeys,
dorg saje buat theory tu untuk bg sume org x pecaye adenye tuhan
so, nak bg ramai org jd atheist la.
yeah,dlm www.wakeupproject.com .phase 3.the arrival,and the divine book adelah karya yang x sia2 dibuat :)
nice one ali..
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