Monday, February 28, 2011

Plain Shoulder to Cry

i have suddenly came across one circumstances,
whereby i heard a story, not a story, mere to stories,
about how people, tried to find someone to talk to,
when they depressed or having nervous breakdown,

i pray they really2 found the right one,
that really2 care mere than just curious,
because all care person tend to give solutions,
yet not all curious person do <--- hard truth

things will be better if the very same depressed person,
share all those state of mind, up and down,joyful and sorrowful,
with the same person they 'used' before again and again,
so that they will be making a true friend rather than just

a plain shoulder to cry :)

Look up for this sign!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

kawan jom kite pegi sekolah jom!

minah saleh seblah ni pandang2 plak,
die ingt die sorg je ke ade laptop, huh,
maybe die jeles kot, sbb laptop aku lg menarik dr die
ke die ingt aku ngh nk add die kt fb, huh, malam skit,

aha, skng ku di library, tmpt yang paling susah untuk ku ditemui,
ye lah, nk tgk matahari pn susah kt ire ni, sbb sgt selalu bgn awal pagi,
eh, dah2, dah terhabit plak nk rhyme2 ni, x kuasa diriku ini,

well, sbb result baru2 ni x brape nk mantof dan jitu,
bete kene start study r beb, x de nye nk last2 minit dah,
mmg nk mati ke ape dah second year pn nk last minit,
nnti dpt result last2 jgk, baru tau, owh btw, bete lulus semue,weee~
thank God.. or untuk lebih alim lg dimate manusia Alhamdulillah

la, x kan semue c je, kat ayahku kepada ku,
seperti uno stacko yang telah lame tersusun menanti rebah,
namun kuredhai jua apabila hatiku rebah berderai setelah di sound sebegitu,
ye la, sekali sekale, kene la berderai, kalau x, bile ntah nk seda,

belajar untuk negara ataupun study for your country,
adalah due pilihan yang aku boleh pilih,
bete x mengeluh sbb mmg jalan ni bete pilih,
dan bete x melatah lebih2 plak bile dah study

melatah yang dimaksudkan adalah seperti,

ala, aku x study banyak lagi, kata si kasim setelah menghabiskn lecture note ,

oh no, exam aku dah dekat, lagi sebulan, mcm mane ni, x bace ape pn lagi, ataupun,

abis la, aku x bley r g bercuti sbb aku x study pape pn lagi, kate sulaiman sambil memegang buku pathology


ok, so jom, ramai2 kite, menjadikn study sbagai habit,
the best way of learning is by not realising,
so pe lg hangpa tunggu, pi la study,
tp jgn lpe ajak memembe, kang kene label kiasu plak,
tak pasal2 dapat musuh, wink2

Friday, February 18, 2011

Teh Tarik Dan Sekeping Roti

Sungguh bahagia hatiku ini tak terkira
Melihat perubahan dalam dan luar negara,
Mendekati dan memahami rakan2 yang berusaha
Untuk bersama2 ke arah hari yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya

Tuhan yang maha Adil itu tiada sekutu,
Biarkanlah apa saja berlaku, suka mahupun duka,
Neutralkan diri anda dan analisa kesan setelah sesuatu berlaku,
Pasti ianya ke arah kebaikan bersama, kerana itulah ketentuanNya

Aku dengan rendah diri memuhasabah diri ini,
Sambil meminum teh tarik dan sekeping roti :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Revolusi Tunisia

Al jazeera dan CNN sudah menjadi 'top content' dekat browser internet aku,
Setiap hari wajib klik lah senang cite, nak tgk apdet pe cer middle east ni kn,
Secara kasarnye mmg nice, dorg jatuhkn kerajaan yang based on one man
Diktator la senang cite kn, so macam, true revolusi la kan

Pastu based on several thinking, ops, teromputeh la plak,
Ade yang akan rase, revolusi tu akan sampai ke malaysia,
So cam, kerajaan yg dikatakan zalim sekarang sedang ketakutan,
Kerana 'diktatorship' yang diamalkan di Malaysia akan ditumbangkan

Tapi sebenarnya, ape yang ade dimalaysia ni sekarang ni?,
Satu parti majoriti besar yang dikatakan korup oleh 1 parti majoriti kecil
Dalam masa yang sama parti tersebut pula, ada keburukan tersendiri
Alahai rakan2, pernah dengar, keluar mulut harimau masuk mulut buaya?

Nak revolusi2 plak, hanta sorang2 pergi negara afrika,baru tau,
Macam mane hidup susah, terpakse menipu utk hidup, kasi pagi makan pagi,
X rase lagi duduk negara orang, macam mane org pandang hina,
Still lagi nak timbulkn kekacauan kat negara sendiri, haih~

X sayang ke adik oi~

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Old is Gold

I don't know why,
It seems remembering past things
Much more pleasing to me
Compare to current things

These things such as songs,
Past memories, past schools,
Past properties, past friends
Past study method, hence past exam results,

Past songs are so calming,
Made me wandering my mind back to certain moment,
Where i have been, while listening to those songs,
Trip to Penang And Segamat Johor Prominently .

Smells also can make us remembered back
Where we have been, what are we doing on that time,
I still 'remember' the smell of my standard 1 class room
Which i hated before but missing now :)

Not Forgetting, Past hurtful moment,
Past stupid feeling, past idiot moment,
Past hurtful fight, Past soul mate
Past Sad moment together,

I'm not Wishing to turn back time,
so that i can be there again,
But i wish i can, remember back, those moment vividly,
thus not condemning myself to repeating the same mistakes
over and over again :)

Hence appreciating the God's Unique gift,
The Memory :)

Past Is Past, The Future Is There

Well, we got a pool of judges in our life
despite their 'divine ability' to judge person
they are still willingly entertain you without fail
Though you knew what's in their heart.

yeah, people want someone that have certain criteria
to be liked or to like, to be friend or fiend
but, not everything appear prominently to human's eyes
is the same appear discreetly to the God's Eyes

If Past Mistakes Have made you Judged By A Person Blindly,
However Small it is, though it's Unfair,
like u won't Ever be good ever,
Just Take It and Go :)
Take And Go

Because releasing knife from a stabbed heart,
Just do more damage than it stays there
Have a Big Heart with many scars is better,
Than a small heart yet Untouched by Sadness